Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP296 Faith and Freedom with Chris McDonald



Our guest today is Chris McDonald. Chris is the Radio Podcast Producer and Host of the McFiles. Chris is a former Photographer and Journalist. He is a Conservative, Pro-Faith, American down-to-earth fighter for freedom. 1) You are a freedom guy, but guns are not your central focus like it is for us. For someone who isn’t enmeshed in the daily battle for the 2A, what do you see in the ongoing talk about the Second Amendment? 2) You interview people from all areas of expertise. Besides our Rights to firearms, what other Freedoms are the experts on your show saying are currently at stake? 3) Is it fair to say that there is a danger to losing our founding principles of our country? And if so, how culpable are both Democrats and Republicans in that? 4) As Christian people we see the world through not just the immediate social and cultural lenses, and not just through the political issues du jour, but from a perspective that looks both back to the Creation and forward to second coming of Christ. Taking that p