Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP295 A Revival For Our Republic with Alex Stovall



Our guest today is Alex Stovall. Alex is a former regional director for Blexit, a current army chaplain in the reserves, and a red blooded patriot who loves his country and stands on God and the US Constitution. Alex is running for Congress because our freedoms that he and his fellow veterans have fought and died for are in jeopardy. In his words, “We need a revival in our Republic and it’s time to call everyone to the table for that, both Democrat and Republicans.” 1) Where did your interest in putting your hat in the rough and tumble political arena come from? 2) Talking about a revival of our founding principles, what is going to help the citizenry, and young voters in particular, care enough to stand up for our Second Amendment? 3) The “news” is filled with images of total chaos at our Southern Border. If your campaign is successful, this is going to be a major humanitarian issue and a politically-laced mess that someone will need to clean up. Talk to us about that. 4) Whenever we watch the “news” we