Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP286 Combat Quilter with Andrew Lee



Our guest today is Andrew Lee. Andrew is an award-winning quilter and combat veteran known as CombatQuilter. He is a 3-time combat veteran with 19 years of combined military service, currently serving in the TN National Guard. Andrew's many convoys, missions, and events while deployed to Iraq have resulted in him having PTSD. After trying many coping unhealthy mechanisms that just left him emotionally detached and unsatisfied in life, a random comment about taking a couple's quilting class by his wife Kristy, changed his life forever. 1) How did you get started in quilting? And how does quilting help you and others deal with PTSD? 2) Tell us how you were able to design, create and sew your award-winning Iwo Jima Memorial Quilt from the cab of your big-rig truck? 3) How many Quilts of Valor have you made and awarded? 4) What is your most memorable quilt of valor awarded? 5) Your future quilting plans include a Veteran's Quilting Retreat Center?