Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP285 How Far Can They Go? with Danny & Cheryl Todd



Our guests today are US! Our co-hosts, Danny and Cheryl Todd, discuss whether or not our Senators and other "Leaders" can be trusted to implement new and even more restrictive laws over firearms and those who own them. We recently witnessed the trial of an American Citizen where seated Senators actively manufactured and doctored evidence to be used against that Citizen. These are some of the same people who want to bring forth Red Flag Gun Laws, Universal Background Checks, prohibitive and discriminatory taxes and fees, and other means to separate American Citizens from their Second Amendment Rights to keep and bear arms. Dan and Cheryl discuss both HR127 and HR30. Under HR127 the "Leaders" who have written and sponsored would: Establish a publicly-searchable gun registry containing your most private information Require you to petition an anti-gun Attorney General for a "license" to possess firearms & ammunition Further force you to obtain "firearms insurance" from the federal government at a cost of $80