Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP279 Is Freedom Still A Thing? with Marc J Victor



Our guest today is Marc J Victor. Marc owns the Law Firm, Attorneys For Freedom, and is an Arizona State bar certified specialist in criminal law who has been zealously representing clients in serious state and federal criminal law matters for well over twenty years. As a long time freedom activist, Mr. Victor is regularly invited to speak to audiences across Arizona on a variety of issues including ending the drug war, the rights of gun owners, the free market, criminal justice issues as well as a variety of other criminal law related issues. 1) This past year has seen a lot of our freedoms given away and taken away. How have you seen that impact the clients who are coming your way at Attorneys For Freedom? 2) You will be our Platinum Sponsor and one of our Speakers at the 2021 Rally to Celebrate and Protect our 2A Rights on Saturday, February 20th at the AZ State Capitol from 10:am – 2:pm. Why do you think these kinds of gatherings are important? 3) If you had one thing you wanted to impart to the 8 mi