Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP252 Mental Health: The Other Pandemic? with Jake Wiskerchen



Our guest today is Jake Wiskerchen. Jake is the co-founder, co-owner, and chief clinical officer at Zephyr Wellness, a mental health outpatient practice in northern Nevada. Jake is also part of Walk the Talk America, a non-profit organization dedicated to making positive change in relationship to mental health and firearm awareness. Through organizing a profound team of experts from different fields, and all walks of life, unbiased by politics, media, or personal prejudice. 1) Nationwide we are seeing reports of a serious decline in Mental health and well-being. The President has even regularly addressed his concerns about these issues in his daily Covid Press Conferences. As a Mental Health Professional give us a snapshot of where we are. 2) We’ve heard that during the height of the Pandemic there was a shortage of medical workers, but I haven’t heard anyone talk about the potential for a shortage of Mental Health Professionals. It seems likely that we haven’t yet crested the top of the curve of that need