Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP246 Decoding Firearms with John Petrolino



Our guest today is John Petrolino. John is a US Merchant Marine Officer, writer, and author whose work on the 2nd Amendment has been featured in "AmmoLand" and "Bearing Arms”. John is currently living under and working to change New Jersey’s draconian and unconstitutional gun laws. And he is the author of “Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use.” 1) You place emphasis throughout chapter one and cover it more in chapter 9 on sanitary measures and considerations. Why is this an important consideration to add to your book about training? 2) What about your book separates it from other 'how-to' books on shooting? 3) Your book has an impressive number of illustrations...more than 115! Why did you decide to produce such a heavily illustrated book? 4) What advice would you have for new gun owners?