Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP240 Skip’s Tactical Solutions with Avery Skipalis



Our guest today is Avery Skipalis. Avery is the owner of Skip’s Tactical Solutions, which is a 100% Veteran / Woman owned and Operated business. She's been active duty military (Air Force) for 17 years and a military firearms instructor for over 11 years. Her mission is to effectively teach the skills, attitude and knowledge necessary to own and safely operate a firearm for personal, home protection and sport, with the idea that it is important that not only men but women too feel like they're in control of their own safety. 1) You are an ambassador for all that is awesome about those of us who own firearms. You have Served our nation, you are a strong female role model, and you also empower minority communities to see how truly diverse the 2A Community is. Tell us how you got into this field? 2) What is your “take” on the millions of new first-time gun owners who are discovering the importance of being their own immediate responder? 3) We have touched on the existing diversity within the gun community, b