Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP238 Attorney For Freedom with Marc J Victor



Our guest today is Marc J. Victor. Marc is an Arizona State bar certified specialist in criminal law who has been zealously representing clients in serious state and federal criminal law matters for well over twenty years. As a long time freedom activist, Mr. Victor is regularly invited to speak to audiences across Arizona on a variety of issues including the rights of gun owners, the free market and a variety of other criminal law related issues. 1) You recently won a Covid related case for a restaurant here in AZ. Talk to us about that. 2) There are millions of brand-new first-time gun owners across the nation. What is your best advice for these (and all) gun owners? 3) We keep seeing videos of people pulling guns on each other in the areas where riots are taking place. So many of these may not be illegal use of firearms, but they certainly don’t paint firearms owners in a good light. What are your thoughts on these incidents? 4) Looking into the future, and through legal and Constitutional lenses, how