Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP229 Speaking With Giants with John Crump



Our guest today is John Crump. John is a firearms investigative journalist for AmmoLand News. Federal plaintiffs have used his research in their firearms cases, and News media around the country widely cited his research into some powerful examples of failures in the Gun Control agenda. He is also a Second Amendment advocate, and serves as the Virginia State Director for Gun Owners of America. John has just authored a book titled “Speaking With Giants: Interviews From AmmoLand” to raise money to help his nine-year-old niece, Bella, to fight brain cancer. 1) What an amazing thing, to write a book to help your niece and her family during what has to be a terrifying and uncertain time. Your niece is only 9 years old. Tell us about this diagnosis. 2) Some people start Go Fund Me campaigns, but you you author an entire book! Tell us about the book. John Crump is releasing a book to raise money to help his nine-year-old niece, Bella, to fight brain cancer. Doctors have diagnosed Crump’s niece with