Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP220 The Prepared Mindset with Liberte' Austin



Our guest today is Liberte Austin. Liberte is a social media influencer, who uses her platform to advocate for conservativism, self-defense and the 2nd Amendment. She has over 15 years experience working in the legal industry and currently works as a paralegal and writer for U.S. LawShield. U.S. LawShield is an organization dedicated to defending the freedom of those who exercise their right to self-defense. Liberte is also the National Field Director of The Ambassador Program for the Second Amendment Institute (SAI). 1) How did you get involved with SAI? I am on the Board myself and I love that part of their mission is to restore the 2A on college campuses. 2) The nightly news is full of absolute craziness with rioting and looting going on in some of our biggest cities across the nation. On social media I am seeing boisterous comments by people (some of whom are gun owners) who say things like “I’d just shoot the looters”. It’s easy to sit behind a keyboard and type stuff like that. It’s an entirely dif