Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP199 The Ameri-CAN Series: Help Our Rights Survive Covid-19 with Stephen Halbrook



Our guest today is Stephen Halbrook. Stephen is an attorney with extensive knowledge of the historical underpinnings of the Second Amendment and practical knowledge of litigating in this rapidly evolving area of law, and he was heavily involved in both the Heller and McDonald court cases. He is the author of several books and his writings include topics as diverse as Gun Control in the Third Reich and The Founders’ Second Amendment, and the newest book, Gun Control in Nazi Occupied France. 1) You wrote an article in NationalReview.Online entitled “Will the Second Amendment Survive Coronavirus?” 2) Numerous criminals have been released from prisons to reduce the spread of the virus. What’s been the result? 3) Gun shops have experienced a record number of first-time gun buyers. What do you make of that? 4) First-time buyers are often surprised that they cannot just go in a shop and buy a gun immediately. Do