Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol35 EP174 Bill Romanelli, NSSF Real Solutions



Bill Romanelli is a spokesperson on behalf of the NSSF National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Project ChildSafe Program, where he works with firearm manufacturers, law enforcement, conservation groups and gun owners to emphasize the sporting community’s commitment to safety and responsibility, and to promote storing firearms securely when not in use. In his work with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and in particular, NSSF’s Project ChildSafe program, he helps show how the hunting and shooting sports community, together with firearms industry, is leading the way on genuine gun safety across the US. NSSF Project Childsafe Project ChildSafe is a real solution to making our communities safer. At the 2020 SHOT Show, NSSF unveiled a program called, "Real Solutions, Safer Communities." Background: Within the broader gun debate, and certainly in the wake of horrifying events that make national news, there have been well-publicized calls for the firearm industry to take various actions on gun safety. Thes