Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol33 EP172 Tony Simon, The 2nd Is For EVERYONE



Tony Simon - owner of Simon Says Train and The 2nd is For Everyone: Diversity Shoot (2A4E). Tony is from rural Virginia where firearms were considered a tool for defense, hunting and entertainment. He served in the Marine Corps and moved to New Jersey after his enlistment and realized that in NJ here exists a totally different attitude about firearms. After the Sandy Hook tragedy the extreme anti gun legislation in New Jersey motivated Tony to get involved in the 2A movement. In 2015 he started “The 2nd is For Everyone: Diversity Shoot. This program has grown since the first event from 6 attendees to having trained HUNDREDS of people from every possible demographic. Tony has worked with some of the Industry's biggest names who have enthusiastically helped to grow this #2A4E effort, exemplifying the inclusive spirit that runs strong in the Second Amendment Community. To name a few, Sean Fisher of Black Bag Resources, Anthony Colandro of Gun For Hire Shooting Range, and Rob Pincus of I.C.E. Training. In th