Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Series Vol29 EP168 Jeff Knox, The 2A Rally Isn't What You Think, Or Is It?



Jeff Knox is the Director of The Firearms Coalition. He is a second generation rights activist, following in the footsteps of his father, gun rights legend, Neal Knox, who spent 40 years in the trenches of the gun rights battle. Jeff is a regular columnist and contributor to a variety of print and online publications. He along with his brother Chris, maintain Jeff is also a member of the Organization Committee for the that is happening in Washington, DC on Saturday, November 2, 2019 from 1:pm - 4:pm. What is the Rally all about? (Hint: Unity, Collaboration, Non-Partisan, Non-Group Specific gathering of ALL American Citizens who want to celebrate and restore their Rights.) Who are the Invited Speakers? (List found on ) What the Rally ISN'T. (Spoiler Alert: It is NOT a Protest, and it is NOT a "Carry Event") The Rally is open and free to all, but please let the Organizers know you are coming (On ) #2ARally