Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol27 EP166 Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America



Erich Pratt is the Senior Vice President for Gun Owners of America (GOA). GOA is a national grassroots organization representing more than two million Americans dedicated to promoting their Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms. #1) Let’s dive right in on the topic of Red Flag Gun Laws or ERPOs. What are they, and who would think these are a good idea for America. #2) Recently our mutual friend, Dianna Muller, founder of The DC Project, and 22 year veteran of the Tulsa Police Department testified at the House Judiciary Committee Hearing on the “Assault Weapons Ban”…she famously stated at that Hearing that she would not comply…a former law enforcement officer…would not comply with an “Assault Weapons Ban”…can you talk to us about why she, and millions of other law-abiding American Citizens, would hold such a view? #3) The Anti-Rights crowd loves to say that 98% of Americans – including gun owners – agree that we need Universal Background Checks. Yet, when I talk to people around the nation, I defin