Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol25 EP164 Adam Wilson, Author Tactical Reload



Adam Wilson, a once homeless high-school dropout, is now a highly decorated 14-year law enforcement veteran who was recognized in 2018 by the National Association of Police Organizations that sponsors the annual TOP COP Awards® for producing the top investigation in North Carolina. And in addition to all of that is he also the author of Tactical Reload: Strategy Shifts for Emerging Leaders in Law Enforcement. -Being a high school drop-out -Growing up with one kidney and how it was different for me -Why I wrote the book -Leaving home very young living in a trailer with no power, working sewage, or furniture. -Getting into policing -Finding success through failures-Don’t be afraid to be embarrassed -Post-Ferguson effects on staffing -Psychological tests and mental health in policing -Millennials have generational differences, but which generation isn’t different than the ones before -3 steps to leadership for someone young in their career -Leadership should be from a place of servitude not authority