Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol23 EP162 Chris Dover of CloverTac



Chris is a husband, father, grandfather, former tech business owner, life long firearm owner and current owner of CloverTac Productions, a pro firearm media company based out of Texas. Topics: Chris' passion for youth shooting sports and instilling the skills and values in his own, now adult, children and scores of other young people. Texas Legislative issues and the broader context they have for the nation. Chris also spoke about his #fuddlyfe project of which is says, "sorta speaks to what we should and should not be doing when it comes to representing the community. The #FuddLyfe Project is an effort in outreach and to further meaningful, productive communication with firearm owners that may be ignorant of certain anti Second Amendment legislation and the effects they can have on the firearm community at large. To first understand who we must attempt to reach through the #FuddLyfe Project we first have to explore the word “fudd”. If we take a look and examine the root of the word “fudd”, we find that