Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol21 EP160 Kevin Dixie, Aiming For The Truth



Politicians are trying to fix our nation's problems with more and more laws. Kevin Dixie is going to the source of many of the problems that plague our citizen's lives, and like a physician is seeking to heal the body, rather than merely address the symptoms. Kevin Dixie is the owner-operator of No Other Choice Firearms Training (NOC) and the Founder of Aiming For The Truth, a 6-spoked approach to healing broken families and strengthening the community bonds of neighbors, to improve the lives of people in the cities and states of our nation. This program is focused on getting to the roots of the factors that are driving violence in our communities. A mission of solving real issues and avoiding the blaming of tools to avoid dealing with the complexities that exist. While the Politicians are breathlessly writing more and more laws in a public “show” of “doing something” about murderers who for a variety of reasons have and will seek to hurt others, you are working on the core issues that cause a life to run