Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol20 EP159 Gina Roberts, Candidate NRA BOD



At a time when many people are trying to scare the public away from supporting the NRA, we sat down with Gina Roberts, who wants to support the NRA by running for a position on the Board of Directors. We also spoke about the dangerous precedent set by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that has passed a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization” and urged the federal government to do the same. Additionally, we discussed Red Flag Laws, ERPOs, and Universal Background Checks. Gina Roberts is a competitive shooter, is one of the CA Delegates to The DC Project, serves as the President Emeritus of the San Diego Log Cabin Republicans as well as the Corresponding Secretary of the Escondido Republican Women’s Federated. Gina is one of the faces chosen to grace the 2019 TIME Magazine Cover dedicated to discussing “Guns In America”, and she is also running for a position on the NRA Board of Directors in 2020.