Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP148 Hr.1 Every Villain in Every Story Wants the Same Thing…Control



Hour #1 Guests: Congressman Paul Gosar DDS serves in the United States Congress as the Representative from Arizona’s Fourth Congressional District. First elected in 2010, he came to Congress with no prior political experience. Paul believes that the Constitution is the cornerstone of our Republic, and always pursues policies that allow for more individual liberty and less government involvement. Rep. Gosar is also part of the Second Amendment Caucus. Mike Sullivan - the vice-president of Riders United for a Sovereign America (RidersUSA) and is a firm believer in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and government by the people. RidersUSA is organizing their annual Celebrate & Protect the 2nd Amendment on Sat, February 16th and he is here to tell us more about that. Tyler Yzaguirre - the President and founder of the Second Amendment Institute - a national non-profit organization that focuses on educational advocacy for the second amendment. Additionally, Yzaguirre is the national field dire