Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP146 Hr.1 Magical Mystery Tour of 2019 SHOT Show



Hour #1 Guests: - Kerry Slone - the Founder of We The Female, a non-profit organization created to both empower and provide personal security and firearm safety education to women. Kerry is a wife, mother, and successful entrepreneur, with a diverse background in multiple business ventures, as well as being an accomplished public speaker. As a Domestic Violence survivor, Kerry has championed a movement in Washington State to challenge its recently passed unconstitutional gun laws which seek to restrict its citizen's Second Amendment rights under the guise of public safety. - Ashley Hlebinsky - the Robert W. Woodruff Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Hlebinsky is the first female firearm curator at the most prestigious firearms museum in the United States. The Cody Firearms Museum has just undergone a multi-million dollar complete renovation and Ashley gives us a peek into what we can expect to see when the museum re-opens in July of 2019. - John “Tig” Tiegen - Jo