Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP146 Hr.2 Magical Mystery Tour of 2019 SHOT Show



Hour #2 Guests: - Greg Stube - Special Forces Warrior, Speaker, and Author of Conquer Anything. A Combat-wounded veteran, after returning home and receiving extensive medical care, Greg’s inspiring story makes him a sought after speaker inspiring others to achieve their highest possible goals in both their professional and private lives. - Bill Romanelli - an outdoor writer and avid hunter, angler and ab diver. He is also a spokesperson on behalf of the NSSF National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Project ChildSafe Program, where he works with firearm manufacturers, law enforcement, conservation groups and gun owners to emphasize the sporting community’s commitment to safety and responsibility, and to promote storing firearms securely when not in use. - Larry Zanoff - the co-host of Hollywood Weapons: Fact or Fiction? on the Outdoor Channel, and has what many of us would consider a dream job, working in the Weapons Department of Independent Studio Services Props (ISS) , the largest rental armory in the fil