Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP144 Hr.1 The Blame Game



Hour #1 Guests: Kentcky Congressman Thomas Massie - who represents Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District, and is the Chair of the, just re-launched, Second Amendment Caucus in the United States Congress, with the goal of helping inform Congressmen and women by bringing them together with experts on Second Amendment issues. Andrew Pollack – Andrew and his family’s lives were forever changed when Andrew’s beautiful 18 year old daughter, Meadow Pollack, was murdered in the massacre at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas on February 14, 2018. Since that time Andrew has been advocating for a national change in mindset when it comes to school security. His plea to #FixIt was heard around the world, initially at a White House Town Hall, and since that time in the news, on radio and in print. Andrew is here to talk to us about the recent news concerning his mission to #FixIt.