Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP140 Hr.1 A Second Helping of EP12: Author Day: How Mighty Is The Pen



Hour #1 Guests: John Marshall - is the author of “101 Classic Firearms” & Blue Press Contributor, discussing the beauty & history of firearms. John is a free-lance writer and photographer, who has been published in a number of magazines. Lost in the political tensions and drama over “The Gun Debate” is the exquisite beauty and the historical significance of Firearms. John Marshall, has NOT forgotten these things and has written a gorgeous book with detailed information on classic firearms. Greg Hopkins - Greg Hopkins, Author of “A Time To Kill: The Myth Of Christian Pacifism”, Self Defense from a Biblical Perspective. A defense attorney, prosecutor, and former judge, as well as a practicing weapons instructor, expert witness, and Bible teacher, Greg Hopkins is highly qualified to address these controversial topics. In his book, Greg argues that the Bible does not teach pacifist principles as a moral response to criminal assault but in fact, teaches just the opposite in both Old and New Testaments, praising