Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP139 Hr.1 Sweeter The Second Time Around, Compilation Best-Of Show



Hour #1 Segment: Sweeter The Second Time Around, Compilation Best-Of Show – we picked a segment from our EP13, back in 2015 titled “Can You Hear Me Now” and have a married couple who happen to have weapons and combat training, to talk about how to parent in a gun-owning home when kids sometimes don’t want to listen to parents. It is such an important topic, especially if you are a parent who does NOT own guns. Just because you don’t have guns does not guarantee that your child won’t encounter a gun at a friend or relatives’ home…or even on the playground. Scott & Dimi Johnson are a married couple and both retired from the Army. They now are professional photographers operating Victory Fotos, and produce our annual Vintage Style Pin-up calendar. Scott is also the inventor of TactiCatch, which is a field-tested and approved AR Rifle Retention System. Dimi served 8 years as a Combat Medic, and retired as a Sergeant. During his 23 years of Service Scott was a drill sergeant and held positions on the Army’s Mili