Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP136 Hr.1 Crazy



Hour #1 Guests: Craig DeLuz - is a long-time community & political activist, the Director of Legislative & Public Affairs at Firearms Policy Coalition and is the host of Morning Coffee with Craig. The 2018 Midterm Elections are over and Craig is going to weigh in on how things went in CA and elsewhere. Dinah Rowland - has a powerful story of being an average American wife and Stay-at-Home mom who had grown disconnected from the processes of voting and having a say in the way our nation is run, to being energized and engaged by the #WalkAway campaign and movement sweeping America in 2018 and beyond. Pete Phillipe - is a lifelong gun owner, collector and shooter. His interest in the internet and the progression of that technology helped him combine his two passions, and create an online platform to share Firearms Culture, 2A History bring Gun Communities nationwide together with his network of 2A Websites.