Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP136 Hr.2 Crazy



Hour #2 Guests: Yehuda Remer - Yehuda Remer is The Pew Pew Jew and also the author of Safety On, An Introduction to the World of Firearms for Children. A common theme on Yehuda’s social media accounts is to remind not only his fellow members of the Jewish Community but also America at large that we must protect our gun rights in order that horrific genocides happen #NeverAgain. Rhonda Ezell - Rhonda Ezell is the President & Co-Founder of Chicago Guns Matter. She is a Gun Rights Advocate and a Defender of Liberty. Rhonda was the Lead plaintiff in Ezell vs. City of Chicago. She won 2 federal lawsuits against the City of Chicago to bring gun ranges to the city for law abiding citizens. Dave Workman - Dave Workman is an author, senior editor at, communications director for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, award-winning outdoor writer, former member of the NRA Board of Directors and recognized expert on Washington State gun laws. Those particular laws took quite