Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP133 Hr.1 Scary Things Halloween Show 2018



Hour #1 Guests: Chuck Holton - NRATV Commentator, Freelance Cameraman, American war correspondent for the Christian Broadcasting Network, a published author, and motivational speaker. Here to talk with us about the aftermath of the recent Hurricane ‘Michael’ and the approaching “Migrant Caravan” of 4,000 people heading north through Mexico toward the US. Alexander Roubian - the President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society. The New Jersey Second Amendment Society is a human rights advocacy group that lobbies against unreasonable gun control laws. NJ2AS recently hosted a Free Day at the Range for local High Schoolers. Training and education definitely makes things a whole lot less scary! Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Willes Lee- the President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies and a Member of the NRA Board of Directors. Willes is here to talk with us about NRA Board Elections and the ongoing conversation about Bump Stocks.