Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP123 Hr.2 #GunVote



Hour #2 Guests: Moses Sanchez - is a Republican Candidate for the office of Mayor of Phoenix, AZ, the 5th largest Metropolitan City in the United States. Moses is an immigrant, veteran, educator and business owner who wants to use his diversity in experience and commitment to service in the office of Mayor of Phoenix. John Annoni - the founder of Camp Compass & Hunting Awareness in Allentown, PA School District. Camp Compass is a nonprofit program developed for urban, disadvantaged youth making a difference in the inner city by providing hunting, fishing, archery, tutoring, social guidance, and other outdoor youth activities. Alan Gottlieb – the Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. The SAF was instrumental in the recent law suit involving Cody Wilson and the 3D Gun Printing issue. If all that you have heard that issue is from the media and politicians, you likely have heard it all mixed up and wrong, so Alan will help us sort out the facts from the fiction. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s C