Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP121 Hr.1 It’s a Jungle Out There



Hour #1 Guests: Alek Skarlatos – is one of the heroes of the Paris Train Terrorist Attack that Clint Eastwood made into a movie titled “The 15:17 to Paris” in which Alek and the other heroes played themselves. Alek is now running for election to the position of County Commissioner of Douglas County in Oregon. Alan Beck & Stephen Stamboulieh – the lawyers involved in the Young vs Hawaii 2nd Amendment case that the 9th Circuit Court recently ruled on…and wouldn’t you know it if the words “keep and bear arms” in the US Constitution actually means that you can own and carry firearms outside of your home! We will talk with them about this and other 2A cases. Lana Fore Bryan & Jake Merritt - District Managers of US Law Shield. US Law Shield is Self-Defense Legal Program that protects you when you are forced to use a firearm or any tool of self-defense to save your life or the lives of others.