Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP113 Hr.2 Yanny and Laurel



Hour #2 Guests: - Tina Martin – is the Owner / Operator of Shield-maiden Defense, which specializes in the training of effective instructors for teaching women shooters. As a former scientist, mother of three children, and 3-Gun competitor, she brings a diverse background to quickly understand and effectively communicate techniques. We are going to talk with her about teaching ladies 3 Gun and Bushcraft. - Sine Kerr - AZ State Senator Sine Kerr was appointed and sworn into office on January 8, 2018, following a vacancy of the senate seat. Her district includes western Maricopa County west to Yuma. She also serves on the Arizona Farm Bureau Federation's Board of Directors and Arizona Farm Bureau Women's Leadership Chair. She is here to talk to us about the issues she is passionate about including family and children's issues, veterans and military issues (five consecutive generations in her family have served in the military), and education issues. - Mat Best  (RESCHEDULED FOR FUTURE SHOW) - is currently th