Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP111 Hr.2 Long Division



Hour #2 Guests: - Remso Martinez -  an investigative journalist and upcoming author of the book “Stay Away From The Libertarians!” Remso has spend the last 7 campaign cycles in the state of Virginia staffing and consulting for liberty oriented candidates ranging from local, state, to federal races. His blogs and other articles have been published at FreedomWorks, TheBlaze, The Media Research Center, and is a regular contributor to He has earned a reputation for being one of the most “deplorable” rabble rousers in politics in the state of Virginia. - Ashley Lundvall – became disabled in her teenage years through a tragic accident. But, not one to miss out on anything in life, she became a hunter and an outdoorswoman after the accident and while in a wheelchair. She is a member of the NRA’s Disabled Shooting Sports committee, and was recently named to the President Trump’s Council on Sport, Fitness, and Nutrition. She also will be featured in an upcoming show on NRATV called Tips & Tactics, sharin