Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP111 Hr.1 Long Division



Hour #1 Guests: - Arthur Przbinda MD - is an imaging specialist in Southern California. He advocates for the Second Amendment in his state and nationally and since 2017 serves as Projects Director for Doctors For Responsible Gun Ownership ( – he is here to talk to us about a program called - David Cole - David Cole is a former US Army officer, police officer and SWAT officer and contributor to Kenn Blanchard's Black Man With A Gun website. David is here to give us an overview of the NRA Annual Meetings that took place in Dallas, TX a couple of weeks ago. - Robyn Sandoval – Manager of A Girl And A Gun (AG&AG), came into the Firearms Industry by an unusual path.  Robyn is a converted anti-gunner, who nervously attended Julianna Crowder’s third Girl’s Night Out in March 2011. What that tells us is that Robyn did not just fall into the work she now does. And she is going to share with us what she found in researching her recent article about the most popular guns for women.