Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP110 Hr.2 Obstacles or Launchpads?



Hour #2 Guests: - Tyler Yzaguirre (Pronounced “Is-A-Gary”) – (302-803-7065) – Tyler is the Organizer behind a nationwide tour to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Heller v DC, culminating in a Rally and Banquet Dinner on Tuesday, May 26th in Washington, DC – ten years to the date of the decision! Dick Heller, who we are celebrating turned his obstacles into launchpads for generations of Americans to come! - Dr. John Lott (484-802-5373) - the nation's preeminent expert on guns and the author of a number of books including "More Guns, Less Crime" and his latest "The War On Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies". John’s work gives those of us who are protecting our 2A Rights a solid foundation of sound research. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary