Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP110 Hr.1 Obstacles or Launchpads?



Hour #1 Guests: - AZ Congresswoman Martha McSally - Congresswoman Martha McSally represents Arizona’s Second Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. She serves on the Armed Services and Homeland Security Committees. The Congresswoman also chairs the Border and Maritime Security Subcommittee, the first Arizonan and the first freshman legislator ever given this leadership role. While she is currently a Congresswomen, she is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Senator Jeff Flake, and is here to talk to us about the topics that are important to her constituents. - Rhonda Ezell – the President & Co-Founder of Chicago Guns Matter. Rhonda was the Lead plaintiff in Ezell vs. City of Chicago. She Won 2 federal lawsuits against the City of Chicago to bring gun ranges to the city for law abiding citizens. She is a Gun Rights Advocate and a Defender of Liberty. She turned her obstacles into a launchpad! - Steffon Josey - In 2013 Steffon was arrested and convicted of a felony in NJ,