Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP108 Hr.1 Civility Wars of Free Thinking



Hour #1 Guests: - Sgt. Andy Brown – Author of Warnings Unheeded: Twin Tragedies at Fairchild Air Force Base. Andy is a 10-year Veteran of the Air Force as a law enforcement specialist, and he will be here with us to look at Our History to Understand Violence and Mental Illness, Leadership and Accountability, Trauma and Recovery. - Alishia Wolcott – Refused to sing the National Anthem in a “Gun Free Zone” where she felt her Constitutional Rights were being infringed on. - Brandon Tatum – Motivational Speaker who isn’t afraid to tackle the uncomfortable topics such as racism, or to express his value of our Constitutional Rights. Brandon is the Director of Urban Engagement at Turning Point USA, CEO/Founder/Owner at Tatum Motivation and Spokesman, Special Contributor at Conservative Tribune.