Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP103 Hr.2 Constitutional Malpractice



Hour #2 Guests: - Kevin Dixie - Owner- Operator of No Other Choice Firearms Training, and we think that Kevin has a prescription for what ails this nation. It is called Aiming at the Truth: Sighting in on the Real Issues, and it is a 6-spoked approach to healing families, neighborhoods, and communities. - Dan Wos - author of Good Gun Bad Guy: Behind The Lies of the Anti-Gun Radical, the book that destroys the anti-gun Left and exposes all their lies and propaganda, and recently published a second book, Destroying the Anti-Gun Narrative. - Greg Hopkins - is the author of A Time To Kill: The Myth of Christian Pacifism. We will be talking with Greg about anger – the people who value our Civil Rights automatically get placed in a defensive position in the public discussion about school safety. We want to talk to Greg about why it is that the people who want to trample our rights seem to be the only ones who “get” to be angry? Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-Mentary