Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP97 Hr.2 The Shame Game



Hour #2 Guests: - Amanda Collins – 775-857-7613 - Amanda Collins is the founding director of T.E.A.R.S. Speak (Teaching/ Empowering Assault & Rape Survivors), where she encourages survivors and advocates for victims' rights and women's rights to self-defense. A survivor herself, who recently participated in Nancy Pelosi’s televised Town Hall Meeting, Amanda is here to talk to us about the dangers of restricting people’s rights, as her were, the night she was robbed of her human right to have protected herself, if she hadn’t been in a gun-free zone. - Tim Miller – 240-620-4757 - Founder & President Lionheart International Services Group, and a 30-year law enforcement and military professional. As a Secret Service Special Agent assigned to the Washington Field Office, Tim coordinated all aspects of security for the President, Vice-President, and foreign heads of state on a regular basis. Tim is currently the Director of Security at Christ Fellowship in South Florida, a church of 35,000 with 7 campuses. - Dr