Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP97 Hr.1 The Shame Game



Hour #1 Guests: - David Cole – writer with Black Man With A Gun, discussing his latest article titled “The Question.” The question he is referring to is one laced with accusation that insinuates that guns or their owners are somehow responsible for the actions of murderers, like the madman in Las Vegas. - Chris Bird – author of Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away. - Chuck Holton – author of Bulletproof: The Making of an Invincible Mind , host of “Frontlines” an NRA TV Series, and a freelance cameraman for Fox news, for War Stories with Oliver North on the Fox News Channel. We wanted to ask Chuck about all the places he has been to where gun-control has made for a safer world. Spoiler alert…we are pretty sure the answer is “nowhere.”