Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP94 HR.2 What's Goin On?



Hour #2 Guests: - Marcus Allen Weldon – the author of "The Santa Shooter: Guilty Until Proven Innocent" an autobiographical true account of the aftermath of justified self-defense with a firearm. - AZ State Representative Diego Espinoza – represents Legislative District 19 in the Arizona House of Representatives. His district serves residents of Avondale, Tolleson, and West Phoenix. Currently, Representative Espinoza serves on the Commerce Committee and the Banking and Financial Services Committee and also participates as a member of the Latino Caucus. And…we are especially excited to be partnering with Rep. Espinoza on an NRA Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Class for kids! - Amanda Suffecool – is a Pro 2A leader, trainer, and educator, and the creator of the NRA Carry Guard Conceal Carry Fashion Show. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-Mentary