Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol3 EP89 Shelley Hill



GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol3 EP89 Shelley Hill Shelley Hill wears a “bunch of hats”!  Shelley is Co-Owner of The Complete Combatant, Manager of Fusion MMA, Organizer of the Annual Women’s Meet & Mingle, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Recheal’s Rest, Marketing Guru at Center Mass Tactical Training, Tactical Insider, and Vets For Child Rescue. You can see why her husband, Brian Hill, named her the “Indispensable Organization Wizard” about 15 years ago and that has somehow become her official title. That, and Mrs. Sensei! In this interview, Shelley shares with us two videos from a past 1.5 day The Complete Combatant to give us a sample of the skills their students practice and learn. Vid #1 - Working on underhooks with a "tie" which helps with the inability to draw THEIR weapon. Use your head to control their posture/throw them off balance. Go to the back to control their hands which is called a seatbelt position Vid #2 - Student's role-play was "her husband was injured in a car wreck".