Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP87 Hr.2 Mother's Day Edition 2017



Theme: Mother's Day Edition 2017 Hour #2 Guests: - Linda Walker – sits on the NRA Board of Directors and President Donald Trump’s Second Amendment Advisory Board. Linda is one of the 13 women who currently sit on the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors, and in her home state of Ohio, she is the Vice President of Buckeye Firearms Association. She and her husband Jim have been married 39 years, and have 3 Patriots for sons, 3 awesome daughter in laws, and 3 wonderful grandkids who like to shoot too! - Cassie Todd-Jameson - Cassie Todd-Jameson is the Daughter of our hosts, Dan & Cheryl Todd! She is also the manager of Pot of Gold Auctions and handles all of the Social Media for AZFirearms, Pot of Gold Auctions and Gun Freedom Radio! She is married to Jason Jameson and has a beautiful daughter, Raelynn! She has grown up around firearms and understands the importance of the second amendment as well as gun safety with having a child in the house. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report