Shanlian On Batman

Shanlian on Batman Episode 100 wsg Mayor Robert Garcia



Shanlian on Batman has reached a real milestone here! This is, as the title reads, episode 100! Justin, Kyle, and Tom talk about how they feel about reaching 100 episodes and what they plan on doing in the future with the show, After that Shanlian on Batman talks with the Mayor of Long Beach California, Robert Garcia. Mayor Garcia is a huge comic book fan as well as a Zack Snyder fan. The guys talk about growing up with comics and how Batman and other DC characters helped along the way. They talk about how great it would be to get Mayor Garcia cast as the Mayor of Gotham City. Also what kind of books Mayor Garcia still keeps current with, and you will be surprised. Thank you so much for sticking with Shanlian on Batman for 100 episodes and the guys look forward to bringing you 100 more!