Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Peter Panagore: Mysticism& The New Death Experience Phenomenon



Learn More about this episode: https://bit.ly/3wT24xg Have you been waiting for humanity to mature and evolve? Where is the long-promised and longed-for global spiritual awakening? It’s here now and has been quietly growing rapidly under the radar for sixty years. Right now it is bursting into public view around the world, and you might be a part of it. If you are a mystic, then you are part of it. What’s a mystic? Come find out, and why, now, for the first time in human history, the children of Light have an unprecedented chance to nudge the world. Medical science has been raising the dead and creating a huge international nation of tens of millions of near-death experiencer mystics, and we are talking and organizing. Mysticism abhors institutions but there is a simple solution that is easy and already in our hearts, minds, and hands.