Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Ana Estrada ~ Divine Resonance



Learn more about this episode and see Special Offer from Ana Estrada Learn more about this episode and see Special Offer from Ana Estrada https://bit.ly/3p4NbEU The GREEN MOTHER ACTIVATIONS are being transmitted specifically at this time in our evolution as a way to offer support to seekers throughout the current global paradigm shift. The Green Mother is a collective of Goddesses and Ascended Masters that assist us to activate divine qualities and perceptions that allow us to experience ourselves as visionaries with the capacity to birth Heaven on Earth. Through the Green Mother Activations, we will ground into an archetypal foundation of unity consciousness and power that will support and sustain us through times of uncertainty in our world. Through a specific sequence of activations, we receive deeper understandings and practical tools that dissolve fear and resistance to the ascension process. We awaken to our signature essence, authentic forms of expression we may not have had access to before. We can t