Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Matthew John Understanding Your Life Plan



Learn more about this episode and see Special Offer from Matthew John : https://bit.ly/3sEcvUs​ The truth is that you are an eternal soul playing the role of YOU for a temporary period time. But you aren’t YOU by accident; your soul has created every aspect of you by design. Matthew will conduct mini Soul Plan Readings for a select few callers at the end of the show. In this Episode of Quantum Conversations, Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer Matthew John will teach you: How the soul crafts your Life Plan from Heaven How to figure out your life’s purpose Why and how your soul chooses your parents, your name, and your birthplace and birth time What the purpose of life is Why the soul plans out difficulties in one’s life What is Free Will and what is pre-destined? What is your karma and what is the difference between ancestral karma and past-life karma? Can you alter your Life Plan? How many past lives have you had? What is the purpose of reincarnation? What are Spirit Guides and what role do they play?