Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Alicia Power: Creator Being Upgrade for Humanity



Learn More about this episode and see special offer https://bit.ly/353ZOqT 30 years ago, when the worlds of spirit introduced Alicia to her next level guides…. She would never have believed she was about to meet Overseers of All Universes. It was these Senior Beings who began mentoring Alicia into her fearlessness, into understanding what ‘God’ is, into realizing the truth of the background story of shadow and light. In this soul training with Lauren, you will also be introduced to these Senior Guides, you will learn HOW to move your life forward quickly, and how to partner with these Beings to change realities. Meeting these Senior Beings is now available to you, and is recommended, particularly if you long to fulfill your soul destiny in this lifetime. Their speed of upgrade of your soul is exponential