Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Erik Roth - Turbulent Times & 2020 Astrology



Learn More and Access an Astrology Reading with Erik: https://bit.ly/35CzrJb The three worlds are powerful influencers in our lives but we tend to give more gravity to the middle world, which is our reality. But the other two worlds, the underworld and the upper world have a say as well and can assist us in going beyond the good and bad and polarization of our reality. Shamanic Astrology utilizes the 3-worlds approach and in this current time of the Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto alignment taking place in Capricorn, it is vital to tune into the other worlds for guidance and assistance. The underworld is a place to face fears, surrender and transform while the upper or celestial world helps connect us to the divine or cosmic wisdom and spirituality. In this Podcast, Shekinah and Sananda shall teach about true abundance, as the ability to access the full potency of light within the cellular construct and pull that into physical form. It is the ability to manifest from a mere thought and bring that thought into physicali