Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Riana Arendse - The Seraphim Order



Learn more about this episode: https://bit.ly/2Jhvfa1 Heal your Emotional Pain Body and move from PAIN to PERSPECTIVE – with Seraphim Angel Riana Arendse (Erakiel) and the Highest Order of Angels, The Holy Order of Seraphim. The Seraphim appear in this cosmology as the highest ascended teachers available for mentoring us in how to actually embody our sovereign divine nature within human form. The SERAPHIM SYSTEM which Riana brings forth at this time includes 6 SOURCE CODES of initiation to embodying your Mastery as Creator. And this blueprint requires that enough space is created within you, through the release of the Pain Body, so that you no longer are triggered by and react to the world around you. Moving from Victimhood to Absolute Knowing and Power. And are then able to fully embody the Multidimensional holy spirit of your own soul pouring through you and expressing from that point of truth – embodying yourself as Creator. Shifting from PAIN to PERSPECTIVE. This Program serves as the Ascension Blueprint